Tuesday, December 14, 2021

One end, but a new beginning


Week 14 (December 12 - December 15) 2021

This is my final week in this course therefore this is my final blog.

I cannot describe how great this course has been. The words seem to be lost. I have learned a lot about myself and about how to make goals and better yet how important it is to finish (That was this week’s lesson). I have always been horrible at the finishing part. I have a feeling that is going to change now. I know I’m not a new person just because of one class. I’m not that naive, but I do know that I can do anything if I just put forth the effort and do it.

If I could share one thing with others about this course it would be to not wait for opportunities to fall out of the sky. You have to take charge to make a change. You are the only one that can make it happen. I learned that a mentor can be more than just a person. It can be a book too. I have been inspired by the reading this semester and I plan to get my hands on other books suggested in the launching leaders’ lessons. The wisdom that I have encountered has been so thought provoking and strengthening. I will never be the same.

I do not know for sure what the future may have in store for me but I know this course has helped me to be prepared for the inevitable falls that will come. I know that everyone fails and a true sign of a successful person is how they handle it and rebound from it.

I advise you to find those with similar goals and passions that you have and build something great! Do something that makes a difference in the world, even if it is only the world of your local school or community. 

Charity is truly vital for success in life. I will cleave to that wisdom as I move forward.

When I am thinking about this course I almost feel like, between the pondering, it has been one long pep talk. <laugh>

I think it really has been. I think that is what we need to make it through trials, business, and life. We need to be positive and a pep talk really can help. So, from me to you. Never give up.


“Vision without effort is daydreaming; effort without vision is drudgery; but vision, coupled with effort, will obtain the prize.”

Thomas S. Monson – “Finishers Wanted”

Saturday, December 11, 2021

The Latitude of your Gratitude will help you with your Attitude!


Week 13 (December 05 - December 11) 2021

This week was entitled A Journey of Gratitude. My favorite part was the talk by President Thomas S. Monson call "An Attitude of Gratitude". He listed six important aspects of life that we should be grateful for.

  1. Our Mothers
  2. Our Fathers
  3. Our Teachers
  4. Our Friends
  5. Our Country
  6. (even supremely) Our Lord and Savior

This was a great talk. President Monson always had a way with words. Like he was meant to be a story teller. The main point of this talk is really to be positive in all we do. It is almost like negative thoughts invites sadness and anger and those both lead to much more darkness. As he listed the above he references moments and times that deserve gratitude for what they do.

I agree that as we go through life it is better to be as positive as we can be. Try to understand and give grace were we can. It isn't always easy, but we must do our best to emulate Jesus as often as we can. Forgiving, and Forgetting. It's the latter I struggle with usually. Forgiving is easier to do because we are all human and we all make mistakes, but forgetting that I was wronged is so much harder. 

The other studying this week was good as well. Some of the advice I received this week are:

  • Don't do things just because you think it is something people want you to do. *resume filler* Don't do things that you hate just to say you did it.
  • Do what you love and you will find where you belong and the people who appreciate you and your story will want to hire you.
  • Keep your options open. Don't specialize in one thing because it is boring and technology is always changing.
  • There is no ONE path for anyone. There are dozens of ways to reach the same career.
  • Learn something you can leverage in the building of your entrepreneurial career.
  • Prepare and expect that hard choices will need to be made.
  • Believe in yourself.

That last one I need to work on. I have a lot of doubt in myself because I strong with follow through when I start a project. Anyway, the studying this week was good.

"Let me recommend that periodically you and I offer a prayer in which we only give thanks and express gratitude. Ask for nothing; simply let our souls rejoice and strive to communicate appreciation with all the energy of our hearts". 

 David A. Bednar - "Pray Always"

Saturday, December 4, 2021

You are never too big to be humble


Week 12 (November 28 - December 04) 2021

This week, based on what I have read, I will be answering some questions. 


          1. Why are virtue and integrity so vital to an economy?

 The reason these aspects are so vital is because without them there would be no trust and the leaders of corporations would think of only themselves and the unbalanced economy would slowly destroy society. Honestly it seems like it is happening in our present time economy. Ideally the leaders of companies would know that the definition of success was helping an entire generation better and not just making his or her bank account bigger. Also without virtue and integrity people will not want to invest in businesses either, making it much harder for anyone to start or grow a business so only big businesses will make it.


         2. According to Charles Handy, what is the "real justification" for the existence of businesses?

According to Charles Handy the real justification for business is not just to make a profit, but to do something with that profit. To make something better and improve upon your business, and the community. The goal is to not just to do better, but to find the best thing that needs to be better and do that. At least that is what I got out of the reading.


        3. What are two solutions proposed by Handy that you agree with? Why?       


Well the first solution I agree with is for companies to have "more honesty and reality in the reporting of results" and this includes making it available to the be viewed as a simple financial picture for all of it's employees so that the know if their work makes a difference. I agree with him. This, I think, is a big incentive to do one's best at work. If an employee can see they are a part of the success of the company they are more likely to do their best, especially if they get a bonus at a certain point of success. Happy workers are productive workers.

Secondly, he describes how companies should take the offense when it comes to doing better environmentally without having to be forced by the government or other programs. He is right, because we all live in this world and we do need to take care of it. This isn't a new concept. If keeping an eye on how your company impacts the world were done just because it's the right thing to do then the world would benefit exponentially. I'm not a big tree huger, but I appreciate a company that can reduce their carbon footprint when ever possible and I believe that using locally sourced products can do just that. 

Bottom line is that being humble, and having a finger on the pulse of your company as it grows so you know what makes it run better is more important than just the money it brings in. Knowing how to make your employees like coming and working for you will make them want to make your company better too.

"Beyond making ends meet, whether you have little or much of this worlds goods, will never be a fundamental determining factor for personal peace or happiness, but rather it is your attitude towards wealth that will be critical."

Elder Robert C. Gay


Monday, November 29, 2021

Balance in life is key


Week 11 (November 21 - November 27) 2021

This week was an odd one, with Thanksgiving happenings and actually my whole family was sick with the cold so it wasn't an easy week for studying. 

The ironic part of this week was that we learned about balance. That is what I had to do this week! Being sick, making a Thanksgiving meal for my family, and doing what school work I could as well as all the normal life stuff. 

SO... Balance in life is very important even when you don't own a business. 

I appreciated the emphasis of how the goal is to become financially independent as apposed to rich. There is a big difference there and I am not looking to get rich so I'm okay with that. I just want to be comfortable enough to enjoy retirement with my husband and be able to travel to see our children when ever we want or need to. No need for a "rich" life. 

The mini cases were messy and I guess that is the idea to get ones mind thinking what if. 

I wrote the question,"What are you going to commit to do to become something?", in my journal.

To put this question and add in the mini cases is rough. I suppose all I can truly commit to right now is to be true to myself and Heavenly Father. 

I won't take a job I hate because who wants to live like that? No one. I'm sorry this post is so short, but sickness is also rough. God bless and...

"Fill your mind with truth, fill your life with service, and fill your heart with love"

President Thomas S. Monson

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Emotional Strength is just as important as Taking Action


Week 10 (November 14 - November 20) 2021

This week I was able to interview an awesome guy. The owner of Sharp Shopper. I called the corporate office and they connected me to him and he called me later, at his convenience. He is a busy man so I was thrilled and lucky to have a quick Q&A with him.

I believe I learned a lot from talking with him. Just reaching out was a big step for me. I was so nervous to do so. I just really never want to bother people and usually feel like a bother.


In the videos and reading this week I really enjoyed learning that taking a break is just as important because that time to clear your head and re-evaluate is essential to keep your creativity active and to keep sane.

The emotional fingerprint was really interesting too. It was more about knowing one self and that has been my pursuit for a long time now. The old Indian parable about the two wolves / sides inside all of us fighting and the one who wins is the one you feed is really thought provoking. It makes me think about everything I do and figure out which side that I am feeding with that action.

I want to feed the good one.

What really drives me? Why?

This question will continue to help me find who I am, and find what really motivates me. 

Another take away I got from this weeks material is to "Dream Huge"

This made me kind of laugh and cry to myself. To this idea I know I need to work on my self esteem a lot. I really need to or I won't make it very far. 

Most of this weeks work was supporting and inspiring as usual, but I just felt most of my energy went to getting the interview and paper for that done. So this weeks notes aren't that much. I did learn that if I ask Heavenly Father for help, and do so humbly, then he will help.

"It is not even enough for us to be convinced of the gospel; we must act and think so that we are converted by it. In contrast to the institutions of the world, which teach us to know something, the gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to become something."

 (The Challenge to Become)

by Dallin H Oaks





Saturday, November 13, 2021

I Can, and I Will


Week 9 (November 07 - November 13) 2021

This week has been the hardest week for me. I am not entirely sure why. I just feel overwhelmed and I am lacking confidence. I know I need to interview a business owner, and I plan to, but I am struggling to "execute" the task. I do understand why that is the rarest skill of all. I have loads of ideas, but hardly any skill in doing.

I have actually always struggled with that. I struggle with several mental issues and low self worth is one of them so when I think about approaching or meeting with someone to interview them I feel as if I will be wasting their time. 

The videos and studying this week was as good as any week. I enjoyed the two videos from the Launching Leaders Lessons 7 and 10.

The lesson "Good to Great" really struck home. Another problem thought is that if I'm not able to be the best then why try? That thought has really crippled my thoughts growing up. Now I feel like "why try?" SO, this whole program has been helpful in trying to rewire my thoughts to help me see my potential and to, well... Try and Do. 

I had never even heard of growth mindset until I joined pathway so I have learned a lot that can help me become something great. I just need to take a chance and step out of my comfort zone. Easier said than done, but I will do it. I will do it, not just for a grade, but to prove to myself that I can do it. Plus I want to learn from another person who has been where I am, and that is one of the major reasons for this project.

I really love the poems, in the Hero's Journey book, by Edgar A Guest this is the beginning of his poem entitled "Can't" :


"Can't is the worst word that's written or spoken;

Doing more harm here than slander and lies;

On it is many a strong spirit broken,

And with it many a good purpose dies.

It springs from the lips of the thoughtless each morning

And robs us of courage we need through the day;

It rings in our ears like a timely-sent warning

And laughs when we falter and fall by the way." 

Saturday, November 6, 2021

A Week of Reflection and Strengthening

 Week 6 (October 31 - November 06) 2021

The book "Hero's Journey" by Jeff Sandefer and Rev. Robert Sirico is really inspiring!

There are some amazing stories, poems, and quotes! I love it! I will return to it often.

I really enjoyed chapter 8 entitled "Fighting the Dragon". The dragon was any major, life changing obstacle that comes along. It's all in how you look at it. Perspective has been a huge key in the course and I really understand how important it is in all aspects of life.

A video from this week called "The Five Whys" by Eric Ries was short, but really good. He basically said that when something goes wrong we need to ask what the root cause is. He also said behind every technical error or issue there is a human error or problem. So, in order to fix the issue work back as many steps to reach the root and fix it. I know sounds so simple but the way he explained it was really well done.

I think this week was all about taking in great advice and taking the inspiration to heart. I know that this coming week is an interview and I'm a little anxious about it. I'm always that way when I have to interview because I have such a bad memory. I may need to just take a recording device so I can re-listen to it as needed. I do have an idea of who though so that is a start.

Building and Being a brand

I wrote in my notes: "Clearly know who we are and what our brand is and consistently execute the brand" and I believe I recall a mention of what a brand is. The brand is ME. So, in order to truly love, support, know, grow, and succeed then I have to know me and take care of me. Journey ideas, expand my mind, pray, ponder, and always continue learning. I am understanding much more about how Entrepreneurship is so much more than just opening up a shop or selling something. It is a way of life and a way of thinking.

Inspiring quote by a very inspiring man, Jeffrey R. Holland:

"Trust in God, and believe in good things to come."

One end, but a new beginning

  Week 14 (December 12 - December 15) 2021 This is my final week in this course therefore this is my final blog. I cannot describe how g...